Color fonts


COLRv0 fonts are limited to solid colors. COLRv0 is supported by all web browsers. They work in Sketch app and the Affinity suite of applications. The professional font creation tools Glyphs and FontLab can both be used to create COLRv0 typefaces.

Amiri Quran Open Source
Characters/languages: Arabic
by Khaled Hosny, Sebastian Kosch
Cap1 Variable
by John Rooney
by Jesse R. Ewing
Cairo Play Variable Open Source
Characters/languages: Arabic, Latin
by Mohamed Gaber, Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino
by Naipe Foundry
Merit Badge Variable
by David Jonathan Ross
by Google Fonts
by Nikola Djurek
Daily Special Variable
by David Jonathan Ross
Hamster Variable
by Joe Stitzlein
by Doğukan Karapınar, İbrahim Kaçtıoğlu
by David Jonathan Ross
Reem Kufi Fun Variable Open Source
by Khaled Hosny, Santiago Orozco
Rocher Color Variable Free
by Harbor Type
Twemoji Open SourceEmoji 😄
by Mozilla
by Otherwhere Collective
by Aaron Bell
by William Hamilton Page, Richard Kegler, Terry Wüdenbachs
by Terry Wüdenbachs
by Michael Clark
by Milton Glaser


COLRv1 supports gradients and other visual effects. COLRv1 is supported by Firefox, Chrome, Samsung Internet and Edge browsers. COLRv1 fonts are not currently supported in any design tools. FontLab can be used to create COLRv1 typefaces.

Gradial Variable
by Lena Weber
Honk Variable Open Source
by Ek Type
Shader Color Variable
by Dalton Maag
Kalnia Glaze Variable Open Source
by Frida Medrano
Nabla Variable Open Source
by Typearture
Noto Color Emoji Open Source Emoji 😄
by Google
Nupuram Color Variable Open Source
by Santhosh Thottingal
Plakato Color Variable
by Underware
by David Jonathan Ross
Bungee Spice Open Source
by David Jonathan Ross
Foldit Variable Open Source
by Sophia Tai
Blaka Ink Variable Open Source
Characters/languages: Arabic, Latin
by Mohamed Gaber
Nesto Variable
by Grzegorz Luk
Reem Kufi Ink Open Source
Characters/languages: Arabic
by Khaled Hosny, Santiago Orozco
Aref Ruqaa Ink Open Source
Characters/languages: Arabic
by Abdullah Aref, Khaled Hosny, Hermann Zapf
Sixtyfour Convergence Variable Open Source
by Simon Cozens, Jens Kutílek
Velzyland Variable
by CJ Dunn


OpenType-SVG is supported by Safari and Firefox. They work in most Adobe applications (currently not compatible with Adobe XD, Premiere Pro, and After Effects).

Lacking the backing of Google Fonts, OpenType-SVG fonts are primarily commercially sold rather than free and open source.

by Novo Typo
by Novo Typo
by Ivan Filipov
Gilbert Open Source
by Robyn Makinson, Kazunori Shiina, Hayato Yamasaki
GT Maru Emoji 😄
by Grilli Type with Anya Danilova
Ten Mincho Emoji 😄
by Robert Slimbach and Ryoko Nishizuka
by Adobe
EmojiOne Open Source Emoji 😄
by Adobe
by Kyle Jones
Characters/languages: English, Indonesian, Japanese, Malay
by Ayumi Kiryu
by Jérémie Hornus, Solenn Bordeau
by Meg Lewis
by Typearture


sbix was developed by Apple. Apple’s emoji font is the most well known sbix font. Few fonts have been released in this format. sbix embeds bitmap images inside the font. sbix fonts tend to have a large file size, so are not usually a good option for websites. sbix fonts are supported in most Adobe design software and Chrome, Edge and Safari browsers, but are not supported by Firefox.

by Ulrike Rausch
Toss Face Emoji 😄
by Toss

Some fonts are available in multiple formats:

Bungee Open Source
by David Jonathan Ross
by Alanna Munro
Lab DJR Variable*
by David Jonathan Ross
Megabase Variable*
by David Jonathan Ross
Magical Unicorn Neue Pro Variable* Free
by Typearture
by Typearture
by Walter Wege, Ralf Herrmann
Gimme Variable*
by Typearture
Joypixels Emoji 😄
by Joypixels
by Typearture
by David Jonathan Ross
Gimlet X-Ray Variable*
by David Jonathan Ross
Sango Open Source
Characters/languages: Latin, Japanese
by Tanuki Samurai
Compyx Open Source
by Roel Nieskens

*Only the COLR versions are variable as OpenType-SVG and sbix do not support font variations.