Popover vs Dialog

Browser support note: some of the following examples make use of the command and commandfor attributes and the closedby attribute, which currently only work in Chrome and Edge version 135 and 134 respectively.

Popovers and dialogs are similar in many ways. That’s particularly the case since HTML introduced the closedby attribute for the dialog element, enabling light-dismiss functionality. So how are they different? A dialog can be modal or non-modal, whereas a popover is never modal*. Let’s compare both kinds of dialog to the popover API.

*Technically you could toggle the inert attribute or the forthcoming CSS interactivity property when a popover opens e.g body:has(:popover-open) main { interactivity: inert;} but you almost certainly shouldn’t, as that’s better solved by the showModal() method of the dialog API.

Popover vs modal dialog

Opening a modal dialog will cause everything outside of the dialog to be inert.

Inert is similar to using the disabled HTML attribute together with setting user-select: none in CSS, but is more comprehensive:

  • inert elements and their children are hidden from assistive technologies.
  • The browser’s find-in-page search feature will not find any text within an inert element.

Focus is trapped in the dialog and it is the only thing that remains interactive.

Modality is a major distinction between a modal dialog and a popover. The differences between a non-modal dialog and a popover are more subtle.

Popover vs non-modal dialog

A popover and a non-modal dialog can be configured with similar functionality.

<dialog id="non-modal-dialog" closedby="any" style="position: fixed; margin: auto; inset: 0;">
    An example dialog
<button onclick="document.querySelector('#non-modal-dialog').show();">Open dialog</button>

<div id="popover" popover>An example popover</div>
<button commandfor="popover" command="show-popover">Open popover</button>
An example dialog
An example popover

Or to take another example:

<dialog id="dialog2" closedby="none" style="position: fixed; margin: auto; inset: 0;">
<h2>A non-modal dialog</h2>
<button onclick="document.querySelector('#dialog2').close();">Close</button>
<button onclick="document.querySelector('#dialog2').show();">Open dialog</button>

<div id="pop" popover="manual">
<h2 style="margin-top: 0;">A Manual popover</h2>
<button autofocus commandfor="pop" command="hide-popover">Close</button>
<button commandfor="pop" command="show-popover">Open popover</button>

A non-modal dialog

A Manual popover

So what are the differences?

  • Popovers are always displayed in the top layer. Non-modal dialogs do not use the top layer.
  • ::backdrop can be used for a popover, but not for a non-modal dialog.
  • The functionality of a popover can be implemented entirely in markup via the command and commandfor attributes or the popovertarget attribute. There is no command to open a non-modal dialog.
  • They have different default styles. Popovers are set to position: fixed by default, whereas non-modal dialogs are set to position: absolute. A popover is both vertically and horizontally centered via inset: 0 whereas a non-modal dialog is horizontally centered but positioned at the top.
  • A non-modal dialog can be open by default without using JavaScript via the open attribute. There is no equivalent attribute for a popover.

Additionally, there are some ways that both non-modal and modal dialogs differ from popovers:

  • When not set to hint or manual, a popover will automatically close other popovers when opened. While it is unusual to display more than one dialog at a time, opening a dialog does not close other dialogs.
  • The focus behaviour is different. Opening a dialog will focus the first focusable element within the dialog. By default, focusing an element within a popover requires tabbing to that element. However, the autofocus attribute can be used to automatically focus a particular element every time the popover is opened, as shown in the above example. Unlike a modal dialog, neither a popover nor a non-modal dialog trap focus.
  • When using anchor positioning in CSS, the button that opens a popover will automatically be its anchor. Should you want to use anchor-positioning for a dialog, that relationship would need to be explicitly established via anchor-name and position-anchor.